The 1962 soviet film originally titled “Chelovek-amfibiya” (Amphibian Man) got media attention after the fame of four Academy winning “The Shape of Water” which shares similar lines of plot. The 1962 science romance was directed by Vladimir Chebotaryov and Gennadi Kazansky with strong cinematic and thematic influence of socialist realism. The film had strong critical account on commercial greed and exploitation of natural resources which was a driving plot of most prominent Soviet films of that era.
The 2018 Academy award winning The Shape of Water directed by Guillermo del Toro is also was on high talk for its similarity with films like 2015 short film The Space Between Us, 1969 play Let Me Hear You Whisper.
However, reports from Google search shows that film buffs are in rush to fetch copy of Amphibian Man after The Shape of Water hits the online headlines.
Good article.